It was months since she had her ass fucked at home and she was ready, as it could be. It felt smooth and confident and sexy as hell. She loved him with a nasty girl, like a good girl with him, with him. She looked at the clock - 05.05 clock - he would be back in 10 minutes and they had to think about how they wanted to be there for him when he came - looked out the window, sat on the chair on each side the office chair in the back, sitting on the balcony - casually? determined? Not all think so much about how you sit, when its hot leg is on the way back to the hotel hot, dirty, hardcore sex, anal? who knows. She chose the bed and lay on his stomach, reading a book because they did not expect it any time. She heard footsteps in the hallway and looked down to at least ensure that the book was in the right direction, oh, who deceived them was, it was all for show, he knew, she knew, and he had in him not being a time.
He stood at the door for a while and adjusted himself, fuck it's a long drive was - every 14 minutes ago. It was the turn of the decision, as he wanted to spend the evening today. He wanted to be his first time to an unforgettable experience - he knew he would not last long in her ass, but that does not destroy the experience. He imagined her on her back, her legs on his shoulders. He stood on all fours, ass in the right hip. He turned to the side spoon with depth. He needed all ... go inside and get his hands on his neck and look into their eyes and tell her she has put in place and are ready to have her ass fucked until he was finished with her was. * Deep breath * Her ass looked so perfect in this dress, these socks looked undeniably hot, and she was there, and laid it without a care in the world. He wanted so badly to do tonight, they stood out so hard on this type of pain and he could not wait to leave bite marks and hand prints of all of this round, pale, perfect ass.
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